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Objective-S is a programming language created in 1980.

#3051on PLDB 44Years Old

Example from the web:
-<void>deleteFile:filename { thumbs := self thumbsView subviews. viewsToRemove := thumbs selectWhereValueForKey:'filename' isEqual:filename. aView := viewsToRemove firstObject. UIView animateWithDuration:0.4 animations: { aView setAlpha: 0.0. } completion: { aView removeFromSuperview. UIView animateWithDuration: 0.2 animations: { self thumbsView layoutSubviews. } completion: { 3 }. }. url := self urlForFile:aFilename. NSFileManager defaultManager removeItemAtURL:url error:nil. self thumbsView afterDelay:0.4 | setNeedsLayout. }
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