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mpl is a programming language created in 1988.

#2478on PLDB 36Years Old

Example from the web:
{ Planning.mpl } { Aggregate production planning for 12 months } TITLE Production_Planning; INDEX product = 1..3; month = (January,February,March,April,May,June,July, August,September,October,November,December); DATA price[product] := (105.09, 234.00, 800.00); Demand[month,product] := 1000 DATAFILE(demand.dat); ProductionCapacity[product] := 1000 (10, 42, 14); ProductionCost[product] := (64.30, 188.10, 653.20); InventoryCost := 8.8 ; DECISION VARIABLES Inventory[product,month] -> Invt Production[product,month] -> Prod Sales[product,month] -> Sale MACRO Revenues := SUM(product,month: price * Sales); TotalCost := SUM(product,month: InventoryCost * Inventory + ProductionCost * Production); MODEL MAX Profit = Revenues - TotalCost ; SUBJECT TO InventoryBalance[product,month] -> IBal : Inventory = Inventory[month-1] + Production - Sales ; BOUNDS Sales < ProductionCapacity ; Inventory[month="January..November]" < 90000 ; Inventory[month="December]" ; END
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