
Breck's Blog

What do you need to make our universe?
October 20, 2024
Strong Startup Advice
A collection of strong advice for those doing startups....
October 20, 2024
sf: instant scratch folders
a bash one-liner...
October 19, 2024
Microprogramming: A New Way to Program
All jobs done by large monolithic software programs can be done better by a collection of small micr...
September 24, 2024
The Liver Turns On and Off
Is your liver on right now? You can find out with a drop of blood....
September 19, 2024
Make Something You Love
I finally built a product I love....
September 11, 2024
Flaws in Heaven
A Redditor gets hit by a truck...
September 11, 2024
The Galton Board
Mark Hebner and his team have refined an 1889 invention from Francis Galton and made a version you c...
September 7, 2024
Advice to the current batch of YCombinator companies: demand carry
I emailed this letter to the public companies in the current YCombinator batch....
September 6, 2024
Particle Chain: A New Kind of Blockchain
Trust, _and understand_....
September 1, 2024
I dont care for the heels, she said....
August 30, 2024
Nature's Eternal Omen: Do not ignore me.
August 29, 2024
Why Warpcast should not add blocking
Blocking misleads...
August 28, 2024
A Review of the South Park Commons Rejection Letter
Two weeks ago I applied for the South Park Commons Founder Fellowship....
August 25, 2024
PAU: Patient Accessible and Understandable health records
In 2019 I led some research into building next-gen medical records based on some breakthroughs in co...
August 21, 2024
The Journey of the Ketones
Naked bodies in Las Vegas...
August 14, 2024
Part Assholes are Awesome
Anyone not part asshole is full of shit...
August 5, 2024
David's Last Letter
I received sad news today that David Bangert passed away. I met David and Sandy in 2019 through Hawa...
July 25, 2024
Abraham Lincoln: "Discourage Litigation."
Stephan Kinsella reposted a great 1850s quote from Abraham Lincoln on litigation....
July 23, 2024
ETA!: A Measure of Evolution
July 18, 2024
Early Source
A New Business Model for Public Domain Software...
July 13, 2024
Vest Early. Vest Often.
Silicon Valley Should Eliminate the 1 Year Cliff...
July 4, 2024
A child draws....
June 29, 2024
CheckBox: An Online + Offline Voting System
In 2013 my friends and I won the Liberty Hackathon in San Francisco....
June 25, 2024
The World Wide Scroll
After years of development, Im looking for beta testers for The World Wide Scroll (WWS)....
June 12, 2024
Download this Blog
Websites dont need web servers....
June 11, 2024
ICS: A Measure of Intelligence
June 6, 2024
PTCRI: An Equation about Syntax Potential
May 31, 2024
Breck's Lab
See where technology is going before your competitors...
May 27, 2024
The Choice
Ill give you this library, the billionaire said, sweeping his arms up toward the majestic ceiling...
May 27, 2024
Patch: a micro language to make pretty deep links easy
Patch is a tiny Javascript class (1k compressed) with zero dependencies that makes pretty deep links...
May 27, 2024
Bring back RadioShack?
You once could buy transistors, capacitors, and other components at your local neighborhood store. T...
May 26, 2024
What can we learn from programming language version numbers?
Analyzing the version numbers of 621 programming languages...
May 25, 2024
Abort Bars
A Suggested Improvement to Progress Bars...
May 24, 2024
The Omni Restaurant
A famous celebrity passes away and wakes up on a beach....
May 23, 2024
ScrollSets: A New Way to Store Knowledge
May 21, 2024
High Impact Thoughts
Leibniz thought of Binary Notation; Lovelace of Computers; Darwin of Evolution; Marconi of the Wirel...
May 20, 2024
PMF Mirages
I typed `tail -f pageViews.log` into my console....
May 15, 2024
The law favors ChatGPT over humans
AIs may train on everything. You may not....
May 14, 2024
Corporate Email
The Four Seasons website says...
May 12, 2024
That charts work at all is amazing....
May 11, 2024
The Tallest Tree
The boy looked up at the tree that was ten times taller than the others....
May 7, 2024
Three Scientists Go To Heaven
Newton, Darwin, and a modern Scientist go to heaven....
May 5, 2024
Bad models of the world can be dangerous....
May 4, 2024
Energy Clocks
Kathmandu and ATP...
May 2, 2024
A Higher Language
I was walking in the woods and saw a path on my right. I had never seen this path before....
April 27, 2024
Hot Coffee
Datasets are automated tests for world models...
April 23, 2024
Big O's Kitchen
Menu Instructions...
April 23, 2024
The Fastest in the World
The girl lost the race....
April 22, 2024
Ketones vs Lithium
I pricked my finger and moved a disposable ketone measuring stick into the newly formed drop of bloo...
April 16, 2024
The Future of the Term "Bipolar Disorder"
Now that I am writing more about Bipolar Disorder, and even have a category page for the term, I tho...
April 10, 2024
Blog Posts, Sorted by Sleep
Have you ever examined the correlation between your writing behavior and sleep?...
April 5, 2024
Do Human Brains Molt?
I just saw Dune 2 at the theater, but far more noteworthy is this YouTube of a lobster molting. I ca...
April 3, 2024
Final Tree Notation Report
It has been over 3 years since I published the 2019 Tree Notation Annual Report. An update is long...
April 2, 2024
The Box Method of Science
Given a box with side _S_, over a certain timespan _t_, with minimum voxel resolution _V_, how many ...
March 30, 2024
What is open-mindedness, from first principles? Here are some musings....
March 8, 2024
A Different Kind of Mindmap
In the near future AI will be able to generate an _extensive_ list and rating of all of the skills i...
February 24, 2024
Synthesizing Knowledge
Everyone wants Optimal Answers to their Questions. What is an _Optimal_ Answer? An Optimal Answer is...
February 21, 2024
The Brain Pilot Model of Bipolar Disorder
A lot of people, including me, are excited about an ambitious new research effort to see if bipolar ...
February 20, 2024
Why do we subsidize lies?
The color of the cup on my desk is black....
February 14, 2024
What does it mean to say a person believes _X_, where _X_ is a series of words?...
February 11, 2024
What is the role of the bipolar in society?
It is estimated 2% of the population is bipolar. Sunday I explored: what if that was 98%? And today ...
February 9, 2024
Stable Mood Disorder
In our universe, an estimated 2% of humans have bipolar disorder. Imagine a universe where that rati...
February 4, 2024
Becoming a High Energy Person
Approximately every eighteen months, I start transitioning from a low energy person to a high energy...
February 3, 2024
Blogging as Therapy
I have kept this blog going for 14 years, through good times and bad. One thing Ive noticed, partic...
January 30, 2024
This is a post about delusions. In society and in myself....
January 29, 2024
On Eating Animals
I went to a plastination exhibit for the first time last week. I got so much out of the visit and hi...
January 26, 2024
Focusing on Bipolar Disorder
Assuming I keep blogging, which I hope I manage to do, I expect my posts will largely be about bipol...
January 24, 2024
Keto for bipolar was not talked about until very recently
I started a ketogenic diet as a treatment for bipolar disorder 97 days ago, on October 19th, 2023, a...
January 23, 2024
Words are Worse than Weights
For decades I had a bet that worked in good times and bad: time you invest in word skills easily pay...
January 12, 2024
If nature is doing it...
You can easily imagine inventions that humans have never built before. How does one filter which of ...
January 4, 2024
Could in vitro brains power AI?
The advance of AGI is _currently_ stoppable...
January 1, 2024
Writing in 2024
Happy New Year!...
January 1, 2024
I thought we could build AI experts by hand
I thought we could build AI experts by hand. I bet everything I had to make that happen. I placed my...
December 28, 2023
A Manic Startup
I am so disappointed in myself for having yet another manic cycle and hurting the people I love. Im...
June 27, 2023
A Proposal to Solve Government Forms Worldwide, Forever
Here is an idea for a simple infrastructure to power all government forms, all over the world. This ...
June 16, 2023
Many Narratives. All true.
I often write about the unreliability of narratives. It is even worse than I thought. Trying to writ...
June 13, 2023
Live Free or AGI
When I was a kid we would drive up to New Hampshire and all the cars had license plates that said L...
June 9, 2023
A Mathematical Model of Copyright
What is copyright, from first principles? This essay introduces a mathematical model of a *world wit...
May 26, 2023
Walking and other invisible tools of thought
There are tools of thought you can see: pen paper, mathematical notation, computer aided design ap...
May 19, 2023
The Magnificent Multi-Agent Mind of Marvin Minsky
If you want to understand the mind, start with Marvin Minsky. There are many people that claim to be...
May 9, 2023
Enchained Symbols
Enchained symbols are strictly worse than free symbols. Enchained symbols serve their owner first, n...
April 28, 2023
A Public Domain Human
Open sourcing more of my life for honesty...
March 6, 2023
_Or: If lawyers invented a filesystem_...
January 27, 2023
Use the Spine
Greater than 99% of the time symbols are read and written on surfaces with spines....
January 3, 2023
One Textarea
Forget all the best practices youve learned about web forms....
December 30, 2022
Root Thinking
I dislike the term _first principles thinking_. Its vaguer than it needs to be. I present an altern...
November 16, 2022
Replies always welcome
The waitress puts her earmuffs on....
November 14, 2022
Training a neural network to spot misinformation and fake news from a single image
Today Im announcing the release of the image above, which is sufficient training data to train a ne...
October 15, 2022
A scratch ticket with a positive expected value
In 2007 we came up with an idea for a scratch ticket that would give everyday Americans a positive e...
October 7, 2022
Cancer and Copyright
Every second your body makes 2.83 million new cells. If you studied _just one_ of those cells from a...
October 4, 2022
An Angel Investor's Data
Theres a trend where people are publishing _real data first_, and then insights. Here is my data fr...
September 1, 2022
How the public domain can win
Public domain products are strictly superior to equivalent non-public domain alternatives by a signi...
August 30, 2022
The Three Byte Fix
A Small Open Source Success Story...
June 9, 2022
Upstream of Everything
There will always be truths upstream that we will never be able to see, that are far more important ...
February 28, 2022
Brain Pilots
February 18, 2022
An alternative to inline markup...
December 15, 2021
Write Thin to Write Fast
I constantly seek ways to improve my writing....
October 15, 2021
User Methods
In this essay Im going to talk about a design pattern in writing applications that requires effecti...
August 11, 2021
Goblin Interviews Alexandra Elbakian
In this video Dmitry Puchkov interviews Alexandra Elbakian. I do not speak Russian but had it transl...
May 22, 2021
Scrolldown now has Dialogues
Dialogues seem to be a really common pattern in books and writings throughout history. So Scroll now...
May 14, 2021
The Intellectual Freedom Amendment
Are you anti-copyright and anti-patent? Then this post is for you....
May 12, 2021
Some old blogs
I found it mildly interesting to dig up my earlier blogs and put them in this git. This folder conta...
May 7, 2021
Strong Advice
I split advice into two categories:...
May 6, 2021
I invented a new word: *_Logeracy_*^coinage. I define it as the ability to think in logarithms. It m...
April 26, 2021
How to fix the CDC
*The CDC needs to move to Git*. The CDC needs to move pretty much _everything to Git_. And they shou...
March 30, 2021
How James Park built FitBit
March 11, 2021
Insist on Focus - Keith Rabois describes working at PayPal
I read an interesting Twitter thread on focus strategy. That led me to the 3-minute YouTube video In...
February 28, 2021
The Public Domain Publishing Company
I thought it unlikely that Id actually cofound another startup, but here we are. Sometimes you gott...
February 28, 2021
Scroll Beta
Today Im launching the beta of something new called Scroll....
February 22, 2021
Sleepy Time Conference
The conference that comes together while you sleep....
February 11, 2021
2019 Tree Notation Annual Report
_Note: I wrote this early draft in February 2020, but COVID-19 happened and somehow 11 months went b...
December 9, 2020
Medical Records to the Moon
A paradigm change is coming to medical records. In this post I do some back-of-the-envelope math to ...
March 2, 2020
Musing on the Future of Healthcare
I expect the future of healthcare will be powered by consumer devices. Devices you wear. Devices you...
March 2, 2020
How Old Are These Keys? Five Eras of Human Progress
One of the questions I often come back to is this: how much of our collective wealth is inherited by...
February 25, 2020
An Unpopular Phrase
One of the most _un_popular phrases I use is the phrase Intellectual Slavery Laws....
February 21, 2020
Integrity and Perseverance in Business ensure success (1853)
In 1851 Ezekiel G. Folsom incorporated Folsoms Mercantile College in Ohio....
February 9, 2020
Building a TreeBase with 6.5 million files
In this long post Im going to do a stupid thing and see what happens. Specifically Im going to cre...
January 29, 2020
Dataset Needed
People make biased claims all the time. A decent response used to be citation needed. But we shoul...
January 23, 2020
Type the World
In this post I briefly describe eleven threads in languages and programming. Then I try to connect t...
January 20, 2020
If stories are lies why do they work?
I often rail against narratives. Stories always oversimplify things, have hindsight bias, and often ...
January 16, 2020
Dreaming of a Data Checked Language
span class=redSquigSpeling/span errors and span class=greenSquigerrors grammar/span are ...
January 3, 2020
English cannot encode Real News
The Attempt to Capture Truth...
August 19, 2019
30,000 Hours
In 2013 I sent a brief email to 25 programmers whose programs I admired....
July 18, 2019
Removing the 2ā€™s from Trinary Notation is a Terrible Idea.
Recently some naive fool proposed removing the ā€œ2sā€ from our beloved Trinary Notation....
July 14, 2019
Going Manic with a FitBit
This is a story about how my FitBit logged a manic episode....
January 13, 2018
PAC: Particles Are Complexity
Yet another method for counting complexity....
December 20, 2017
Parsers: a language for making languages
I introduce the core idea of a new language for making languages....
September 10, 2017
I just pushed a project Ive been working on called Ohayo....
June 23, 2017
A New Discovery in Computer Science: 2-Dimensional Programming Languages
*Eureka!* I wanted to announce something small, but slightly novel, and potentially useful....
June 21, 2017
Tree Notation: an antifragile program notation
This paper presents Tree Notation, a new simple, universal syntax. Language designers can invent new...
June 21, 2017
Big Data Notation
A Suggestion for a Simple Notation...
September 24, 2013
NudgePad: An IDE in Your Browser
Making websites is slow and frustrating....
September 23, 2013
ScrollNet: A successor to the Internet
I have an idea for a simpler Internet, where a human could hold in their head, how it all works, all...
June 2, 2013
Software Should Save People Time
For me, the primary motivation for creating software is to save myself and other people time....
April 2, 2013
Two people in the same forest,...
April 1, 2013
Money is Meant to Circulate
I love Marconis simple and clear view of money. Money came in and he put it to good use. Quickly. H...
March 30, 2013
Why 10,000 hours?
Why does it take 10,000 hours to become a master of something, and not 1,000 hours or 100,000 hours?...
March 30, 2013
Minor Epiphanies
A kid says _Mommy_ or _Daddy_ or _Jack_ or _Jill_ hundreds of times before grasping the concept of a...
March 16, 2013
The Booster Design Pattern
If your software project is going to have a long life, it may benefit from Boosters. A Booster is so...
March 8, 2013
Startups and Planes
It is a popular misconception that most startups need to fail. We expect 0% of planes to crash. Yet ...
February 24, 2013
Save Your Money for Great Values
Some purchasing decisions are drastically better than others. You might spend $20 on a ticket to a c...
February 16, 2013
Infinite Futures
You shouldnt plan for _the_ future. You should plan for *one of many* futures....
February 12, 2013
Prove It
I love that phrase....
December 29, 2012
The Great Bank Robbery
If you are poor, your money could be safer under the mattress than in the bank:...
December 23, 2012
Entrepreneurship is taking responsibility for a problem you did not create....
December 22, 2012
Black Swans and Technology
For the past year Ive been raving about Node.js, so I cracked a huge smile when I saw this question...
December 19, 2012
For a long time Ive believed that underpromising and overdelivering is a trait of successful busine...
December 19, 2012
Can't Lose. Could Win Big.
One of Nassim Talebs big recommendations for how to live in an uncertain world is to follow a barbe...
December 18, 2012
Probability Makes Planes Fly
My whole life Ive been trying to understand how the world works. How do planes fly? How do computer...
December 18, 2012
Narratives Misrepresent Complex Systems
When I was a kid I loved reading the Family Circus. My favorite strips were the dotted lines ones,...
December 16, 2012
Simple is...
*Concise but not cryptic*. e=mcĀ² is precise and not too cryptic. Shell commands, such as `chmod -R 7...
December 16, 2012
Introducing Note
Note is a structured, human readable, concise language for encoding data....
December 14, 2012
Planets and Pebbles
For todo lists, I created a system I call planets and pebbles....
November 26, 2012
Publishing More
I published 55 essays here the first year. The second and third years combined, that number nosedive...
November 25, 2012
Is simplicity ever bad? If you had asked me this a year ago, I probably would have called you a fu...
November 20, 2012
Naming Things
I love to name things....
October 20, 2012
What can a Programmer learn from Rock Climbing?
Railay is a tiny little beach town in Southern Thailand famous for its rock climbing....
March 30, 2011
Look for a Line
A good friend passed along some business advice to me a few months ago. Look for a line, he said. ...
March 5, 2011
Backpack the World with Zero Planning
_I havent written in a long while because im currently on a long trip around the world. at the mom...
March 4, 2011
The Economy Explained
I was an Economics major in college but in hindsight I dont like the way it was taught. I came away...
September 18, 2010
Circle of Competence
Warren Buffet claims to follow an investment strategy of staying within his circle of competence. ...
August 25, 2010
Critical Thinking
I have a feeling critical thinking gets the least amount of brains resources. The trick is to criti...
August 25, 2010
How is Intelligence Distributed?
Ive been working on a fun side project of categorizing things into Mediocristan or Extremistan(insp...
August 25, 2010
Kids are Neat
Maybe Im getting old, but Im starting to think the best way to change the world isnt to bust yo...
August 25, 2010
Nature Verse Nurture
Genetics, aka nature, plays the dominant role in predicting most aspects of your life, in my estimat...
August 25, 2010
Recommendations Are Far From Good
Doctors used to recommend leeches to cure a whole variety of illnesses. That seems laughable today. ...
August 25, 2010
Ruby is an awesome language. Ive come to the conclusion that I enjoy it more than Python for the si...
August 25, 2010
You Can't Predict the Future
Ive been very surprised to discover how unpredictable the future is. As you try to predict farther ...
August 25, 2010
The Recency Effect
Your most recent experiences effect you the most. Reading this essay will effect you the most today ...
August 23, 2010
What Percentage of the Brain Does What?
_Note: Sometimes Ill write a post about something I dont understand at all. I am not a neuroscient...
August 23, 2010
The Ovarian Lottery and Other Side Projects
Ive had some free time the past two weeks to work on a few random ideas Ive had....
August 11, 2010
Happiness is in Mediocristan
Three unexpected things have happened to me during my two years of entrepreneurial pursuits in Calif...
August 6, 2010
In February I celebrated my 26th Orbit. I am 26 orbits old. How many orbits are you?...
August 6, 2010
What I Want
Figuring out what you want in life is very hard. No one tells you exactly what you want. You have to...
August 6, 2010
The Do You Know Game and Why We Need Celebrities
Last night over dinner we had an interesting conversation about why we care about celebrities. Here...
August 3, 2010
Design Matters. A lot.
A year ago I wrote a post titled The Truth about Web Design where I briefly argued that design does...
July 2, 2010
Competition and Specialization
Competition and specialization are generally positive economics forces. Whats interesting is that t...
June 28, 2010
Simple, but not easy
Doing a startup is surprisingly simple. You have to start by creating a product that people must hav...
June 17, 2010
Flip Flopping
Every Sunday night in college my fraternity would gather in the commons room for a brother meeting...
June 16, 2010
The Churn Rate of Data
I think its interesting to ponder the value of information over its lifetime....
June 15, 2010
Culture and Complexity
Have you heard of the Emperor Penguins? Its a species of penguins that journeys 30-75 miles across ...
June 14, 2010
The Invention of Free Will
Or..We Think we have Free Will because we only Observe One Path....
March 24, 2010
Why is it best to do one thing really, really well?
Google has a list of 10 principles that guide its actions. Number 2 on this list is:...
March 22, 2010
The Hidden Benefits of Automation
If you automate a process which you repeat _Y_ times, that takes _X_ minutes, what would your payoff...
March 17, 2010
Metrics for Programmers
I wrote a simple php program called phpcodestat that computes some simple statistics for any given d...
March 16, 2010
HackerNews Data: Visits as a Function of Karma
If a post on HackerNews gets more points, it gets more visits....
March 8, 2010
Don't talk about what you will do, talk about what you have done
All the time I overhear people saying things like I will start exercising everyday or We will shi...
February 19, 2010
Why it's worth it to buy the book
If a book is worth reading, its worth buying too....
February 17, 2010
The Least You Can Do
My room was always messy. Usually because clothes were strewn everywhere On the floor, on the couch,...
February 2, 2010
Four Tips to Improve Communication
Good communication is overcommunication. Very few people overcommmunicate. Undercommunication is muc...
January 29, 2010
Network Effects
Network effects are to entrepreneurs what compounding effects are to investors: a key to getting ric...
January 22, 2010
If you can explain something logically, you can explain it simply
January 18, 2010
With Computers: Don't Repeat Yourself. With People: DO Repeat Yourself
In computer programming, one of the most oft-repeated mottos is DRY: Dont Repeat Yourself....
January 15, 2010
When forced to wait, wait!
When a problem you are working on forces you to wait, do you wait or switch tasks?...
January 14, 2010
How to Buy Low, Sell High
Whether youre an entrepreneur, a venture capitalist, a casual investor or just a shopper looking fo...
January 12, 2010
Flee the Bubble
Possibly the biggest mistake a web startup can make is to develop in a bubble. This is based on my o...
January 5, 2010
Checklist for New Products
At our startup, weve practiced a diversification strategy....
December 28, 2009
Diversification in Startups
_2021 Update: I think the model and advice presented here is weak and that this post is not worth re...
December 24, 2009
Thoughts on Setting Goals
It is better to set small, meaningful goals than to set wild, audacious goals....
December 23, 2009
Problems Worth Solving
Programming, ultimately, is about solving problems. Often I make the mistake of judging a programmer...
December 20, 2009
Make Something 40% of Your Customers Must Have
If you combine Paul Grahams make something people want advice with Sean Ellis product-market fit...
December 16, 2009
SEO Made Easy: LUMPS
The best Search Engine Optimization(SEO) system Ive come across comes from Dennis Goedegebuure, SEO...
December 15, 2009
Don't Flip the Bit
Do you flip the bit on people?...
December 13, 2009
Jason Fried from 37signals gave a great talk at startup school last month. At one point he said sof...
December 11, 2009
Get Stuff Done By Setting Arbitrary Constraints
Employees and students receive deadlines, due dates, goals, guidelines, instructions and milestones ...
December 10, 2009
Why You Shouldn't Save Blogging for Old Age
A lot of people have the idea that maybe one day theyll become rich and famous and then write a boo...
December 9, 2009
6 Specific Ways to Find Programming Mentors
Finding experienced mentors and peers might be the most important thing you can do if you want to be...
December 8, 2009
Orders of Magnitude
Do you think in Orders of Magnitude? You should....
December 7, 2009
The Many Worlds Law
Imagine you are eating dinner with 9 friends and you all agree to play Credit Card Roulette. Credit ...
December 6, 2009
Twelve Tips to Master Programming Faster
Do you want to become a great coder? Do you have a *passion* for computers but not a thorough unders...
December 4, 2009
What's Linear Algebra?
What would happen if instead of writing about subjects you understood, you wrote about subjects you ...
December 3, 2009
Fiction or Nonfiction?
What books have changed your life? Seriously, pause for a few minutes and think about the question. ...
December 2, 2009
Experience is What You Get
How many times have you struggled towards a goal only to come up short? How many times have bad thin...
December 2, 2009
I'm Back
Decided to blog again. I missed it. Writing publicly, even when you only get 3 readers, two of which...
December 2, 2009
What you focus on, increases
Thereā€™s a discussion on a mailing list I belong to about piracy and the iPhone. One of the responder...
May 6, 2009
The Truth about Web Design
Hereā€™s what Iā€™m going to assume: craigslist, Google, and eBay do not have very pretty designs. How c...
April 14, 2009
Twitter Search Wins Again
Twitter Search is starting to replace a ton of websites that I used to visit....
April 6, 2009
Irrational Numbers
Thereā€™s a post currently on Hacker News that discusses irrational numbers. A long time ago irrationa...
March 31, 2009
Are you Making Something that will become ā€˜Absolutely Irrelevantā€™?
Iā€™m reading a fascinating biography of Warren Buffett right now(Snowball)....
January 5, 2009
Meteorite Caught on Film
A bright meteorite was caught on film in Canada this week....
November 23, 2008
When the Market Says No, Listen
I just want to share the most valuable piece of Internet startup advice I possess....
October 12, 2008
San Francisco
Got in to San Fran last night. Moved in to the Mission District with college buddies. I expect to be...
September 19, 2008
This evening JustHackIt.com launched. Before you co-found a company, you need to find good co-founde...
August 20, 2008
Bigger Telescopes are needed to Solve Global Warming
On August 31, 1854, a Londoner living on Broad Street fell ill with cholera and died. In three days,...
July 28, 2008
How to Cure the Hiccups
The hiccups have been cured. Want to know what the secret is?...
July 28, 2008
Trying Shelfari, GoodReads, and LibraryThing
Decided to try out one of these book social networks to see if I can find some important books I sho...
July 27, 2008
Over Half of the World is Older Than Me
Itā€™s nice to know that more than 50% of the people alive today have been around for longer than I h...
July 9, 2008
Bloggers Turning Pro
After months of deliberation, Iā€™ve decided to quit my day job and work on my blog full time....
July 7, 2008
Daily Gas Use for the United States and the World
The other day I wrote a post on How much Gas Americans use per day. The answer is 400 Million Gallon...
May 14, 2008
Analyzing the Hacker News Usersā€™ Join Dates, Karma, and Profiles
xirium posted a tarball of all the individual profile pages for HackerNews readers(minus lurkers and...
May 8, 2008
First Place in the Stock Market Game
So after 1 year, my Fantasy Stock Portfolio returned a little over 150%, which was enough to capture...
September 28, 2007
Why a Team is Worth a lot more than an Idea
Every successful person in the startup world will tell you that the most important part of any start...
September 13, 2007
Learning How to Program Part I
I thought today Iā€™d write my first post on programming. I have always been very passionate about com...
August 28, 2007
I guess the time has come
For a few years, GoDaddy kept alerting me that BreckYunits.com was available and I should buy fast b...
August 24, 2007

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